I invite you to embody your best self

– even if you are dealing with a medical condition or disability. Allow me to design a multi-manifesting methodology to enable your body to feel, and look, transformatively better. This is the work I do – with both passion and results.

25 years in the making

As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun. A quarter of a century later and I am as passionate about transformation as I have ever been. As a result of my insatiable curiosity and appetite for learning, The Chad Allen Method has been birthed from experience itself.

I am eager to share from this site and my social media connections to keep us connected. All social link @ChadAllenMethod.

Though sophisticated, The Chad Allen Method is created to be experienced in clarity and simplicity. Refined and exact while creating room for the Unknown (infinite possibilities) to inspire you .

Thank you for being here and for being interested in The Chad Allen Method.

There is so much to share.


Chad Allen

A passionate mover since the age of 10, exploring and understanding physical transformation has been a central theme in his life. He has spent more than 25 years sharing this passion with others with an incredibly diverse background in movement, stress analysis, doctorate studies in alternative medicine…

The Method

A multi-verse of disciplines, technologies and techniques are elevated from the central tenant of transformation through self creation. The Chad Allen Method (TCAM) achieves incredible physical challenges by ensuring that…

Follow @chadallenmethod



