“...the nodule has gone away and most of the damage has healed. No surgery needed!”
— Ken

The perception that stress is a consequence of modern living is a leading contributor to chronic disease states. Once you understand how these perceptions, or ignoring them, may potentially shorten or diminish your quality of life, mastering your stress takes front and center.

Quantum biofeedback is The Chad Allen Method’s stress assessment and retraining tool, simply and effortlessly retraining real stressors releasing the fight or flight triggers. Many clients even report discovering what was at the heart of their perceived stress, empowering them to remove the "stone from their shoe," so to speak.

Enjoy this heartfelt video from a fellow practitioner to appreciate how biofeedback can change your life:

PSYCH-K® is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior originates. The ability to connect the layers of the mind and integrate information between your conscious desires and your subconscious operating system is facilitated perfectly in what are referred to as balances, bringing the mind into balance so that you experience your full creative potential.

True to the TCAM mission, PSYCH-K® is exceptional, and exceptionally fast, at facilitating life transformation by bringing the mind into balance so that you experience your full creative potential.

Hear from Rob Williams, the original PSYCH-K® facilitator about why these balances work.

In the original Superman comic series Clark Kent would enter a phone booth, close the door, and then emerge as the transformed superhero Superman. Imagine there were a magical chamber that you could enter into and upon exiting, you would ‘be’ the xccelerated, transformed superhero version of yourself. Meet AromaDome, a virtually instantaneous way to transform one state of being to another.

Essential oil therapy, also commonly known as a aromatherapy, is well recognized for it’s healing qualities for physical and emotional states. We see all states of being as you. We neither treat, diagnose or cure any ‘thing’. Rather, we provide you the tools and the environment, in this case the AromaDome, to enter your own cocoon in one state and emerge a butterfly. Beyond inhalation, consider this saturation. Your breath and every tissue the oils contact becomes saturated with their essence. This is truly xccelerated aromatherapy.