It Just Feels Good

It Just Feels Good

Learn to feel empowerment from the inside out the very first time you try it. Beginning with a bonafide change in perspective on how the body is designed to perform, and it’s further achieved through simple adjustments that ignite deeply seated postural support. What is it? Foundation Training of course. And we don’t care what it looks like, it just feels good.

Foundation Training is the method that TCAM embraces as the must-know-antidote for pain and performance complaints, and it's the remedy to the time constraints and immobility of our modern lifestyle.

What is Foundation Training? Literally the most natural way of moving the human body. If you have a human body, you are designed to do these movements. Awakening this innate potential through simple positions and movements, formerly untapped power and strength become your new natural state.

Dr. Eric Goodman, author of Foundation and his latest book True to Form, created Foundation Training as a solution to his own back pain as an athlete and chiropractor. As foreword author Chris Hemsworth describes, daily Foundation Training can create superhuman strength.


Why do Foundation Training? Foundation training quickly ignites natural, though often dormant, postural signals that integrate muscle chains. This means effort and tension quickly become distributed among all the muscles that execute powerful posture, not relying on and exhausting only a few. This results in a true powerful core and posture that allows for ease in your daily life and powerful performance.

What is the experience like? We teach Foundation Training in both group class format, featuring the TCAM exclusive 'Moving Meditation Class' as well as one-on-one private instruction. Using muscles as integrated systems allows for faster sessions with greater results. Privates are 25 or 45 minutes and group classes are 55 minutes of transformation. Additionally, our private sessions often utilize the Power Plate technology for deeper, reflexive muscle development.

Whether you take our Foundation Training on mats or our innovation on Power Plates, you are sure to experience a huge leap in conditioning.

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