Fascia is the New Black

Fascia is the New Black

Any professional in the fitness or movement world has read the defining book Anatomy Trains by Thomas Meyers, an incredibly in-depth look at the qualities, role of and behavior of fascia in the human body as well as the ‘lines’ that these pathways create. Not a leisurely Sunday morning read, this book has become one of the most referenced books for those exploring human movement and performance. When Bob Cooley began to explore the role of fascia in human movement he also discovered another connection, that of the fascia lines in the body with the meridian system that acupuncture has referenced for millennia. As Bob began to notice that not only were individuals movement patterns beginning to change and expand, so did their personalities and emotional patterns, sometimes in the very moment of a stretch.


Sometimes answers are right in front of us, all while we inadvertently look beyond them, seeing what we’ve always been taught but missing the new information. In this case Bob looked head-on into the obvious. We all know that we feel better when we move. Don’t you want to just run around the block when you’re anxious or take a nap when you are emotionally avoiding something? We all know our bodies express emotion but we have a better understanding now of just where these emotions and personalities can be interacted with the most directly, the fasical/meridian connection.

In a culture that invents trends to avoid stagnation and repetition, like in fashion, there is a season for everything. The season of our fascia has arrived. It is indeed the new black and if you are as passionate about fitness as wellness as we are, this will change your life, and you look, for good. Explore Bob Cooley’s work at TheGeniusofFlexibility.com.

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